How to Install WordPress on Shared Hosting

In this simple step-by-step guide, I show you how to install WordPress using the Softaculous Apps Installer found on the cPanel provided by your shared web hosting service. No fluff!😊
- Open up the cPanel on your web hosting platform. Typically, this is accessible from your hosting provider’s dashboard or by navigating to cpanel.yourwebsite.com.
If accessing the cPanel from your hosting dashboard, you will be automatically logged in. Otherwise, you will need to input your cPanel credentials at the login screen. If you do not know your cPanel credentials, contact your hosting provider to have them reset.

- Scroll down to the Software section in the cPanel and select Softaculous Apps Installer.

- Find WordPress in the list of quick-install apps in Softaculous and select Install.

- Go to Choose Protocol and select https://.
- Go to Choose Domain and select either yourdomain.com or www.yourdomain.com depending on your preference.
- Leave the In Directory box blank to use the default installation folder, unless you would like to install WordPress in a subdirectory on your domain.

- Enter your Site Name and Site Description.
- Create a username and password for your administrator account in WordPress.
- Input your email address under Admin Email.

- You can install optional plugins from the suggestions provided during the installation wizard. However, we prefer to skip this step and install only plugins that we truly need for the site. Keep in mind that every plugin you install has code that needs to run, potentially slowing down your site.

- Pick a Database Name or leave the default.
- Check Auto upgrade WordPress Plugins to make sure that all your installed plugins remain up to date with the latest features and security patches.
N.B. Plugins are written by human developers like you and me. A broken update or an incompatibility between plugins can break your site.
Do not enable this feature if you’re extra cautious about breaking your site. - Likewise, check the Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes option to keep your theme up to date.
- Check the Upgrade to any latest version available to keep your WordPress version up to date. Keep in mind that incompatibilities between versions can break your theme or plugins.
- Under Automated backups, select Once a day. Softaculous backups are disabled by some hosting providers. Typically, alternative backup options are provided.

- Optionally, you can select a theme during the installation wizard, but this step can be completed post-installation, once the WordPress site is up and running.
- Enter your email in the Email installation details to field.
- That’s it! Hit Install and your WordPress site will be available in under a minute.
- Access the admin dashboard via: https://yoursite.com/wp-admin.